Pal Varga

From traffic analysis to system security: broad interest within the Infocommunications domain

THE TERM ”traffic analysis” may be misleading in this issue of Infocommunications Journal. Civilians naturally think it is something about analyzing vehicular transport on the roads – although for ICT practitioners it always has been about telco- or computer network traffic. Surprisingly though, the first two articles in this issue are actually discussing road transport traffic analysis. The methods we use in the infocommunications domain is now applied to the transport domain by our very own experts in the communications society. The third article in this issue is indeed, on (cellular) mobile network traffic. Mobile network in the the sense that the user equipment can be mobile; yet another way to get confused with transportation systems. The current issue of the journal features eight papers and 92 pages if counting the front and back covers as well. This makes the current issue the thickest so far – but not only in volume. Let us have a brief overview of the papers in this issue.


Please cite this paper the following way:

Pal Varga, "From traffic analysis to system security: broad interest within the Infocommunications domain", Infocommunications Journal, Vol. XIII, No 3,  September 2021, p. 1.

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