Pal Varga

Indexing current advances with DOI – at the Infocommunications Journal

The vast domain of Infocommunications reach from the physics of wireless and wired communication channels, through traversing the information – in a secure way – to its destination(s) to analyzing the characteristics of that transmission.
Since the area is huge, categorizing advances is hard. We operate with keywords – index terms –, text-mining of research papers, and creating clusters based on similar set of areas involved in these papers. The survey papers that keep appearing in our journal is useful in this sense as well: connecting and summarizing the current knowledge of a field – even if it has just emerged. In order to help indexing of our journal papers and the ones cited inside, we encourage our authors to reference the DOI – Document Object Identifier – of their cited articles, and we make sure these DOIs point to the source of the document, making it easier for the readers to reach it directly. This activity is animated by DOI commissioners such as the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, who helps us assigning DOIs through the original DOI provider, CrossRef.

Infocommunications Journal, Volume XI, Number 3, pp. 1., 2019

DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2019.3.1 


Please cite this paper the following way:

Pal Varga, "Indexing current advances with DOI – at the Infocommunications Journal", Infocommunications Journal, Vol. XI, No 3, September 2019, p. 1. DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2019.3.1


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